I have MIDI Microscope enable on a keyboard shortcut. I find it particularly useful when there's only the tiniest of slivers between note end and note start, but I want to click in there to create a selection rectangle.
That's a good idea. I have probably spent cumulatively a day's work in trying to click just on the exact pixel to do what I'm trying to do with a note of short duration. But as many people have observed, when you keep having to learn and adopt new work-arounds for bad design choices, it makes you unfriendly to the software that requires the workarounds.
MIDI Microscope has been around since SONAR 7 IIRC, so I adapted to it a long time ago. After all these years it feels natural and lets me work faster on "dense" MIDI parts. This was particularly important with MIDI guitar parts (which I rarely do any more, the You Rock guitar is much more consistent even though it looks funny) as they tend to spray all kinds of little useless notes all over the place. The De-Glitch menu item helps, but I'd still have to do manual cleanup.