First of all, that's an ingenious application. Secondly, ... that's a tough one to answer. You'll have me thinking about the best solution into the wee hours of the night. I'm leaning towards an .sfz script.
Easy & obvious would be a snippet of the original clip loaded into an adjacent Element. But that negates the spontaneity. Hmmm. Off the top of my head ...
I tried assigning Sample Offset in the Mod Matrix to a slider. So I would go with the slider to the desired position in a song - but it's hard to hit the exact moment you want - ...
That should be good up to about 10 seconds into the sample (at 44.1K). If it were me, I'd probably preview the clip first in a sample accurate editor [Sound Forge; Audacity beta]. It would be easier to scrub to the exact stutter point. Then make that sample value the maximum Depth value in the Modulation Matrix for the slider source.
... and then repeatedly press middle C for the stuttering...
My favorite trick for that is to make the Keytrack = 0 (under the Multisamples parameters). Any key that you hit triggers the sample at the original pitch and rate. So, you can use 2, 5, or ten fingers to cascade & roll the sample.
If the desired stutter rate is too fast for my technique, or requires machine-accurate spacing, then I cheat. I use an onboard keyboard sequencer, 'note repeat' function, or a parallel hardware sequencer with a pre-programmed series of notes, and I trigger it while I'm playing.
No doubt you can do the same in software; something like Sonar's Matrix,
<ahem> Project5 ... I'm not satisfied with these off-the-cuff "answers", so I'll let it simmer and try some stuff when I get back around my setup.