Pan modulation is a little counterintuitive in Cakewalk synths, like Rapture & Dimension Pro. Doubly so with the extensive routing options found in z3ta+ and z3ta+2. Modulation adds and/or subtracts from the current Pan knob setting. To make sure that the filter buses aren't affecting the panning soundstage, turn the Filter2 Level to 0.0%.
Try this in the Modulation Matrix:
Source: LFO1
Range: 100%
Curve: Bi-linear +
Control:Destination: Filter1 Pan
Now change the Pan knob in Filter 1 from the 50.0 : 50.0 default, to 100.0 : 0.0, and then to 0.0 : 100.0. It may be easier to experiment with z3ta+2 panning using a Square LFO.