Andy, do you mean the *seis cavatine* or are you saying more broadly *the deerhunter theme,cavatina* neither are challenging. I'd like you to do sonatas in c op 15. You have to play it on nylon or gut😍
Oh man, now I'm getting requests. 🙈 I meant the theme from The Deerhunter, all those barré positions and grace notes - believe me I've tried a few times and never got past the first few bars. I'll listen out for Sonata in C, that's another Giuliani piece am I right?
I can't do nylon, wifey says I'm only allowed one guitar and she won't be convinced that steel and gut are different instruments. 😂 It's weird, I've been playing guitar over forty years and have never owned a nylon strung. Quite fancy a Taylor 814 CE-N - I can dream eh...