My old system is a laptop and it's overheated and done the motherboard apparently. I've decided to switch to a desktop/tower this time around as my laptop overheated even though it was well ventilated which has caused the problems.
Started playing up a few weeks ago checked for viruses and it came back clean. Started up the next day and it wouldn't load up so we had wiped the system and start again. Everything was okay for a couple of hours and it gave up again, it's now been trying to shut down for over 24hrs.
Basically I just need something to get me going I know it's old technology but we are running low on funds and with the dreaded c word around the corner we can't afford much until the new year. Especially after having to spend all my savings on a complete engine rebuild (bloody cars).
If it runs x3 studio then great but if it doesn't I've wasted money !
I'm not to good with computer technology that's why I'd thought I'd ask for some friendly advice on here.
Thanks for the reply