Hey Sam,
no not really as far as 5930K and 5820K (5960X is obviously a different league, 8 Core.)
right now we are still sussing out the memory issues with this platform (why the systems are not up on our site yet)
we also don't have our own ram yet (be at least another week) so we are having to use the what I consider crappy ram off the shelf to test with. the 5820K is behaving differently that the other 2.
the 5820k is only stable with @2133, @ 2400 its a tad wonky. (we are using DDR4 8 gig sticks 2666 to test with)
once we have our own ram in stock we will be better suited to tell whats really up. (our ram is DDR4 2800 grade 1 A)
FYI 2400 is the highest we could go with any of the 3 chips. and 2133 is really the only 100% stable one..
funky memory controllers and not the best ram
this has been a very rocky launch in many ways..