There's a lot of unused empty space that's unused at the top of the console view (for each channel), as well as in the inspector (I) view. If a 2nd send is used for that channel, then the empty space is reduced to make room to display both sends. If there are 3 sends, it doesn't collapse that space. Note that in the inspector view, it would only show a max of 1 send at a time - user would need to scroll with the arrow button to view other sends.
A lot could be used for that extra space - being able to see more sends, or just the ability to see more plugins at once. The plugin portion only shows 3 at a time. There's the ability to display narrow channel strips in the console view, but not in the inspector view.
Oddly enough, if you use the mouse scroll wheel on the inspector panel, you can scroll up and see more of the unused space above the gain knob - to the point where there's nothing to be show (completely empty). What's the purpose of all this space, if we can't even use it?