One thing I recently heard that has stuck with me is a statement recently made by blind artist and musician, who is very successful. He said- " You are responsible for your own music career ". I agree with that comment.
I'd take that one step further: you are responsible for your own music, period.
We here are fortunate that we can make our own music. Make music you want to hear and forget what anybody else thinks of it or whether it might make you some money. That's how it was for centuries before a bunch of
non-musicians decided they could build an "industry" around it. Those times will become a historical footnote, a curious and short-lived phenomenon.
During the Alaskan gold rush, a fellow sailed up from Seattle with a newspaper under his arm. On arrival he was immediately offered $10 for the newspaper. In the spirit of the gold-rush mentality, he declined and instead hired a boy to read the newspaper aloud in a saloon, charging $1 to enter. His 10-cent investment paid back hundreds of dollars. But it was a brief opportunity.
Today, nobody in Alaska bemoans the loss of newspapers being read aloud in a saloon. They don't even mourn the death of newspapers. I do not mourn the days when my musical menu was tiny and dictated by AM radio. I will not be sad when musicians can no longer afford private jets, or when MBA suits in Japan move on to some other industry because they can no longer guarantee millions from pushing pap onto gullible kids. I won't even grieve over ordinary working-class musicians having to take a day job to feed their children. Join the club.
And next, let's kill professional sports.