So, perhaps like many of you I publish albums (mostly to bandcamp) and for a brief time before or after try to get some publicity by soliciting blogs and review sites for coverage. Today the first actual review was published…/smalt-mine-the-outer-rings and they gave my album a great rating and said a lot of nice things.
One review per 100 emails. Maybe this is typical? For this review I had to pay $25, which I know seems a little greasy but if I'd hired a publicity person to get me reviewed I would be paying him/her a lot more than that.
What I've tried:
1) focusing on music-related blogs and review sites in my area (or the area of anyone involved in the project)
2) mentioning bands that I've played with that might increase my chances of a review
3) being personal, telling them I like their site or a band they have recently reviewed on their site
4) being specific, asking very directly for a review or write-up (this had to be pointed out to me after I sent out a stream of emails that weren't really asking for anything, just letting the site know I'd released an album)
5) contacting the local paper
I don't have any just a musician who loves recording, makes great music, and would like people to be able to find and listen to that music.
I've got another project coming out either later this year or early next, and am asking for any "techniques" or advice as to how to do better on the publicity side of things. It's just not my forte.