Well, on a basic level, I want to be able to automate or modulate (with LFOs or envelopes) the operations available in the Process menu without leaving SONAR's main window.
For instance, I work with sample-based music quite a bit. It's quite easy to stretch audio on the timeline with a context-sensitive modifier key, but the stretching that is done to the audio doesn't change over time. Let's say I wanted to gradually stretch and then compress that audio clip to 200% of its length then back down to 50%. The values don't necessarily matter but the ability to change those parameters over time is. SONAR already has the Loop Construction view essentially allows you in a way to automate Level, Pan and Pitch. I think it would be interesting to incorporate some of that functionality into processing samples and not strictly loops.
In Ableton Live, I think you can double-click an audio clip and that opens up the Ableton Sampler. The Sampler has controls that allow you to change pitch over time. So one might want to gradually pitch the sample up and then back down. Having some of those functions quickly available from the main window is a huge time saver. This would be a tremendous help to anyone who works in genres (acousmatic, metal, IDM, pop etc...) that utilize any sort electronic media.
As I mentioned in the previous post, it's looking like Redux might fulfill that need of mine, but I think the implementation could be quite straightforward. Let me know what you think.