Or at least beeps, an option to change which markers show on the timeline.
IOW, something like Regular/Standard would be like it is now. Option B,C,D would allow you to put totally different set of markers independent of current/other markers.
This is something I would really like too and have thought about it often. However that wouldn't do what I personally need it to. The way I work is once I get a part down I record a mountain of takes. Then I go back and listen to each one one at a time rating them via the Take Lanes Notes section. I do this in a couple passes. First listen to sort out the real garbage. Then I go through again to decide which takes may be finals and make notes on minor errors (like muffled/missed notes and rate sections of the takes based on quality).
It's that last part where having markers right on the clips would be extremely helpful. If I hear something wonky instead of typing up "55-62: Bad" or "121: Flub" I could just put a marker there indicating an issue that needs to be comped out. Due to the nature of the Notes bubble too once those notes start getting too elaborate they no longer fit (and the text editing in the bubbles is brutal which I know I made an FR about a while ago).
Having the markers right on the clips as opposed to fixed to the track/project timeline would also serve a lot of other uses too like when moving clips around. The markers stay with the actual audio no matter where you put it and could be used for lining things up easier.
Anyway... you can tell I've thought a lot about this. Heh... little obsessed I guess.