Cakewalk should change the licensing of Sonar (or at the very least the biggest Sonar version, Platinum presently) to grant the right to one person to install and use Sonar on 2 or 3 computers.
Why ?
1. Main Desktop Daw
2. Laptop on the go
3. Tablet. Surface is absolutely great for music with touch. See
Staffpad for example.
Nowadays, most people are on the go at least part of the time, it would make sense to be able to continue work on a laptop.
For the longest time (did not check recently), Microsoft always granted a right to 2 installs per packaged license. When I was responsible for licence purchases at my previous company a few years ago, part of our Microsoft enterprise licensing agreement enabled anybody to ask for a personal licence of the whole Office Suite through free registering to a portal.
With my Office 365 Family subscription, I can install to 5 computers. Even the personal version grants the rights to 1 computer install + 1 tablet install.
I hope this is something Cakewalk will consider. If not, make it super easy to purchase a separate limited license (e.g. that does not grant a right to discounted upgrade as the main license does) for a very low & affordable price. If I'm not mistaken, this type of supplemental license is not sold on the Cakewalk store.
NB I also like the flexibility of most iLock compatible software products that work as long as the iLock is plugged in.