This song pretty much says everything I wanted to say but I'd still like to get it up to the standard 3 minutes or so length so will probably repeat the last verse or something in the next version.
After many many takes and a lot Melodyne, I'm fairly happy with the vocal (except for a couple of enunciation problems)
I really should find a vocalist if I keep this up. Collaboration anyone?
Guitar - Ilya Efimov Acoustic Guitar and Strum Guitar
Guitar - RealGuitar (probably used it too much)
Thanks for listening and I appreciate any comments.
Imagine How It Could Be
Imagine one people sharing the world
Imagine the harmony
No countries no religion
Nothing to fight and die for
No more us against them
We are all the same A brotherhood of man
I'm sorry John that world
is still not here
Survival of the fittest That's how it's always been
The way Mother Nature works
The strong ones will live and the weak will die
It's us against them
Guitar solo
The dreamers are still here
Imagining how it could be
What will it take for our selfishness to die
And the dreamers' dream to survive?