As far as personal tastes are concerned, if I had the option, I'd probably buy the pre-master, flat mix version of most of the records I own. That's how
I like my music.
For rock, I am no fan of modern mixes, where the entire spectrum of frequencies is filled to full capacity. Remove what's not essential instead of cramming as much as possible into it. I always feel like music nowadays leaves no room for the listener. It doesn't drag you in, it corners you and beats you into submission.
Me, I prefer albums which aren't as "produced". Paranoid by Sabbath, Physical Graffitti by Zeppelin, stuff like that.
Or then, give me something like Moving Pictures by Rush - that's probably the most modern sounding, polished and produced album which I'm in awe of, in terms of balance and use of the frequency spectrum.
For rock.
So at this point, I'm pretty happy with my mix, but I do realize that it sounds a little unpolished by post-1977 standards.
I wouldn't feel comfortable having it denatured into something too different, but I can see the point in making it a tiny bit less personal and taking it at least a couple of steps closer to certain references.