Naiz Juan Kenny.
Thank you Ed
very nice ken! love that tone! is that bapu on your left shoulder?
really nice stuff, loved it!
Hi Reece ,
Thank you for giving this song clip a listen . I'm happy you dug the tone and my guitar playing
is that bapu on your left shoulder?
That Lovely Sexy Blue Girl in the song pic ?
That Lovely lady happens to be The Wonderful Corpse Bride
.It is truly an interesting story how we met .
I had recently lost my gig as the Chairman and Vice President of The Worldwide Institute of Rock Guitar Players ...
Apparently some anonymous nobody had mounted a one man campaign to have me removed from my former held office because I didn't play my guitar using enough distortion , bend enough notes or play sloppy enough for True Radio Ready Rock Guitar Stardom ...
After packing up all my belongings into a small box I exited the corporate office building . I had no idea where I was gonna go and I lost total track of time.
It seems I had walked my tearful self into a Graveyard just to feel safe from the cold cruel world and let my true feelings out .
As I continued to cry my eyes out while trying to contemplate what I wanted to do with the rest of my life I stood over an unmarked grave ...
For all I know I must have cried half The Nile river because I had noticed the spot where I was crying had turned to what appeared to look just like a small muddy lake to me .
To my utter shock and surprise a small bony blue hand reached out from the mud and started to comfort me .
We eventually sat there for hours and held each other in a warm loving embrace ..
I knew she was the one for me because she had wiped the tears right out of my eyes and put a large smile back on my face ...
That's how we met ...that's my story and I'm sticking to it
all the best,