Westside Steve
The wife's computer is an HP laptop. Got it for Christmas for her. She keeps the power supply plugged in and the computer on all the time. It seems to me that it would be a good idea to shut down after use and wait until the battery drains to plug it back in. I may easily be mistaken. What do you guys think?
Most likely your laptop has a Lithium ion battery. The older Nickel Cadmium batteries had a problem with a memory  effect, so the recommendation was to run them flat before recharging. Lithium batteries require different management to maximize lifespan.
I honestly can't remember the last time I shut off any computer in my house.  Barring reboots for updates or software
1 planet. It's a spaceship. We're polar bears on a spaceship. ;-)
Leaving it plugged in while you work strikes me as ok in most cases. Especially if you work beyond the life of the battery.
I use my work laptop at home. I use the battery life to limit my time online at night and I charge it up during the day at work. :-)
Using a laptop plugged in is a practical matter.
Leaving anything powered on when not in use is just wasteful imho.
I have power strips for powering down all of my workstuff like DAW and Pres and all that stuff. I unplug from the wall before storms if I can.
Westside Steve
thank you guys. I was concerned that the constant power might make the battery fail sooner or put undue stress on the power supply.
I never turn off any systems, at home and work. all on 24/7 its takes more wear and tear to turn on/off as apposed to leaving it on or a hot reboot. the miniscule amount of power usage isn't even worth mentioning.
you do need to reboot once in awhile due to memory leaks.
battery question was answered correctly!
Most computers pull at least 2 Amps.
If your electricity costs $0.10 USD per Kilowatt hour, 2 Amps would cost you $0.02 per hour, close to $0.58 per day.
This adds up to $210 per year per PC. Now, for your work PC, we can presume that you probably use it close to 2000 hours a year.
If there are 8,760 hours in a year it means you are wasting about 77% of the cost of running the PC. This comes out to around $162 USD per year just for the work PC.
I presume your home PC gets less use, but you would know.
According to this site...
I'm being generous to assume 2 Amps.
At this site, you can sponsor an African Child for $35 USD per month (I do it).
So, if you just turned your computers off when you weren't using them, you could be a life saver.
And the threat to our planet of the Electricity usage hasn't even been factored in!
Aids has been awful in Africa. It leaves villages with only the youth and the elderly. No adult aged people to carry the load. It's the exact opposite of so many of humanity's threats which take the children and the old.
Or you could get a nice microphone. :-)
7 cents a KW here
 even @ .58 cents a day its absurdly cheap and most certainly not a consideration for turning off
the planet? oh please lets not got there with the tree hugging.
as I said on and off daily puts vastly more strain on the components, one dies it will cost you far more than you saved and having to replace that component will cause more damage to the planet than running it continuously.
as to charity. I prefer to feed/cloth the homeless locally first (1 in 7 kids in the US have food shortage issues)
but when I do send it out of country it goes 2 places
where I actually know the people spending the money and know 100% goes where it need to!
but I think its awesome you do that!.
always check a charity on charity navigators
In my previous job, I used to get into trouble for leaving computer monitors on standby overnight when my employer's policy was to switch off everything. My argument was that the small amount of current flowing while on standby produces sufficient heat to prevent moisture from the air finding its way into some of the electronic circuitry. Leaving anything on standby when not in use should therefore extend the life of the device, particularly if the weather is cold or damp. But how does the cost of the electricity used by keeping things on standby balance with the potential cost of equipment failure due to moisture? I don't really know.
 But how does the cost of the electricity used by keeping things on standby balance with the potential cost of equipment failure due to moisture? I don't really know.

Nor does anyone else. This argument has been going on for longer than the PC has existed, and if there was a definitive answer based on actual scientific studies, it should have been settled years ago. It is not even clear which if any components would be more likely to fail as a result of wear on bearings (fans and spindles) than by power surges and start up stresses (motors and components). Solid state devices in modern computers probably do not suffer failure due to normal application of power. Connections that will fail because of heating and cooling cycles are probably not within spec anyway.
My experience is that components fail so infrequently if they are not defective to begin with, that most of us will be trashing them due to obsolescence before they fail anyway. Do you leave your LCD TV running 24/7 to protect it from damage?
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