It's all up in the cloud, it's always there nagging and grinding and using you for everything it can possibly get out of you in anyway possible!
Hahahaha Oh wait a minute, sorry, I was talking about the forum my EX uses!!!!!!
As for your post being removed, or song link, who knows. maybe they were running maintenance or had a change at the guard where the Admins go. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just share it again. You do have a habit of posting links to things and then removing them and the forum message is left with a dead link ya know.
Thing is though, if you share it here or anywhere it's backed up and saved somewhere I suspect.
I'm guilty of the same thing, posting a link and changed music host accounts a few times over the years and working on new versions while removing the old one.
I guess they are removing post where there are dead links, and if that is the case then I have nothing but applause for them for doing that!
Just my opinion.................