Strong background in IT, but its dated and I was always more of a hardware guy than a code guy.
Support PC in control room has a PCI(not e) MOTU 2408mk2 just added, and more now than before, the keyboard ignores input.
Moved USB slots around, no joy. It's intermittent, I'm typing on it now and not losing a single keystroke, but at times it will lose 9 out of 10 or more.
Win7 Home Premium SP1, on a Dell Inspiron 560, with a Celeron 2.2GHz at 2194 1 core, w 2GB Ram. No DAW, no plugs, just usual Windows audio apps, IE, Media Player, and the most I notice the issue is attempting to type in Youtube search boxes.
I'll figure it out, but if anyone's seen it before, I'll appreciate the pointer towards a fix.