Hello All, thanks for the excellent input.
I opted out of thinking about the phone app because I am not ready to purchase a new phone. The cost is more than I want to incur at this time. With that said, were I in a position to need such a phone I would certainly perform more research to see which phone, and which app, provided the most reliable results.
I truly am sorry that my RS SPL meter fell to the floor. I relied on that thing so much. The funny thing is, the floor is carpeted, so it must have fallen just right to render it "possibly" unreliable.
In the mean time I have sprung for an $18 model from a mega online "retailer." I guess in the least it will "possibly" confirm that my RS model is janked, or maybe just reveal that the RS model is slightly disabled (like my right ear.)
With that in mind, and at the risk of derailing my own thread, I have noticed more recently that 80 db from a song with a large dynamic quotient is less fatiguing than a song that is hard limited to 0.1 (?,) at the same 80 db.
My eyes have been opened to the misuse of plugs.
I work around many youth, and loudness is an obelisk of machismo/worth to them. Though the argument for the loudness wars has been hashed and rehashed, I hope that this thread will assist others in appreciating the value of those fragile auditory organs that allow us to discern sounds as low as 30 db, and for the fortunate few, as high as 20khz. Get a reliable meter and use it.
Pink noise? It surrounds us. Go outside, close your eyes, and listen.
The dehumidifier in the other room creates a whir. I wonder where music would be without 60 cycle alternating current?
Anyway, I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I sure do appreciate your illuminating thoughts.
the blind horse