SteveC,thanks ! Yeah I hope it's gonna be good summer for all of us ...probably one or the other thunderstorm included...
...that Satch thing... m a y b e the tone at some points, but i just don't get my head around all those arpeggio, sweeping, speed picking, dive bomb technics. I'm just going for some melodies.
biodiode,thanks a lot! Glad you like the track!
I guess you're right about the Kick. I think I've tried to make it cut through the mix where it was already present enough.
markno999,Thank you very much! Glad you enjoyed the listen! (and the one after : )
Yeah, I was a little hasty with the drum mix, but I was just to eager to post this tune on time according to it's title.
Thank you once again, gentlemen, for listening and your very helpful feedback!
Best regards,