Thanks batsbrew for posting this, I have a general question out of curiosity regarding LUFs at -14 and YouTube.
I am posting a music video for fun on YouTube. The audio is processed entirely in TRacks5. I really enjoy doing this as a way to learn all the software I recently acquired.
Now I have the meter set to "other than iTunes" which means YouTube among others and it sets a target for me of -14LUFs on the meter.
Now after shooting for that target, I played back the song and it starts out on the digital readout at -16 or so but by the end reads exactly -14.0. However, as I watched the LUFs meter, it occasionally swung over the -14 target, maybe up to -8 for a brief second. Is that bad, is YouTube gonna crush my song with compression?
If I lower the Gain on the Stealth Limiter at the end of the chain so that none of these brief transients get thru, my LUFs is going to be very low and people will certainly have to turn the volume up.
Of course, I can go back and try to better catch and lower those occasional transients but my dynamic range is about 9-12 which is what I shoot for.
My main question, is how anal to I have to be about this -14 target. Nothing overshooting at all? If so will that trigger their sensor to blitz the audio with compression?
Just as a comparison, I did a number of videos exactly like this last year, except I shot for -1.5 on the Limiter and, as above, a dynamic range of about 9-12. On the current song, doing that gave me a LUFs of ~ -12, so I lowered it. The songs are one guitar, one vocal. The songs I did last year sound fine and not at all like YouTube zapped them in any way, but if I listen to some golden oldies as I occasionally do, they are louder than my songs, quite noticeably, I think. So I don't think I'm really blasting anything.
Anyhow, just curious and thanks.