That was pretty good. It drives home the point that you can't acquire another person's skills by copying what he does. BC does something different on every song.
To emulate a master such as BC, you'd have to get into his head, and I'm not sure that's even possible. Just try to describe your own mental images that you visualize when you listen to music. It's nearly impossible, even though everybody knows what you're talking about.
Last night I fell asleep with headphones on, as I often do. I woke up as a dream was underway in which every sound was a physical thing floating around me. Some were jagged and made me want to avoid touching them, some were like a sticky substance on the floor that rooted me to a spot. All were unpleasant in some regard.
It was my own mix, and my last thought as I drifted back to sleep was I'm going to toss that mix out the window in the morning and start over. Of course, by this morning I'd forgotten the specifics. But what remains is a feeling that if I could just get back into that weird syneasthesiatic frame of mind again I'd know what to do next. That, I suspect, is where Mr. Clearmountain lives all the time.