I find myself increasingly wishing for a floating panel that contains Mute / Solo options for Track Folders.
As I often work with very large projects and I group all similar instruments (or audio tracks for dialogue etc) into folders, I thought it would be great to have a panel where I can mute an entire folder or group without having to scroll up to it. Application would be for instance in composing for film, where I want to quickly mute all the film audio so that I can just work on the music. Then Unmute again etc.
This would also be handy for muting let's say all the drums in a mix or soloing all the guitars in a folder. Yes, one can scroll to the folder, but it sometimes means closing or rearranging your layout to get to the buttons.
Another to way to solve this would be assignable shortcuts to folders, but that would get too complicated to keep consistent from project to project.