The actor Maurice Chevalier famously said "Old age isn't so bad when you consider the alternative." I say- BS... aging sucks, so I decided to write a song about it. I figured I would need a 'crowd vocal' to make it work, and was fortunate to enlist the aid of a few forum friends to help out. My crowd consists of-
Ed (Bapu) Kocol- 2 voices
Reece (Beagle) Bain- 3 voices
Tim (Timidi) Bowman- 4 voices
Myself- 5 or 6 voices... I don't know... I lost track
Also, special thanks to Bapu for all of his input and advice through multiple variations, iterations and mixes of the tune.
The guitarist was Grey Welkin. Hope you enjoy it. All comments welcome of course, and extra points if you pick up on the 2 iconic rock titles embedded in the lyrics.