Charlie H
it seems I've wondered into a mutual admiration society where crummy musicians pat each other on the back and ignore anyone who actually does something worthwhile.
Seems a rather harsh assessment - I wasn't aware we were only supposed to post stuff worthy of airplay. It takes considerable guts to post your music online for others to critique and I have always thought of this as a forum where people can showcase their talent - such as it is - and receive constructive feedback on their work. In my experience, if someone thinks your work can be improved they will say so and offer opinions on how you might do that. If your music doesn't do it for them - they might tell you that too; we just try and do it in as constructive a way as possible.
Oh and if we
really don't like something we hear - then we might just not offer an opinion at all.
I hope that helps you understand how the forum works and that you can find a voice here that fits in to the spirit of the place - if so you'll be made welcome I am sure. If it's not for you, then the interweb is a big place...