This issue could be resolved by increasing your buffer size to 512 or above. That number usually works for managing the CPU for your project and softsynths. As a general rule, I record at 128, and mix at 512 or above depending on how many plugins I have in a session.
Another possible fix is adjusting your "Real-Time Quality" settings in Z3TA+2's options menu.
The patch may have a higher oversampling setting. Lowering it during playback will hardly be audible, you can always set the offline quality higher so when you bounce it will be at the highest quality.
Also, check the Z3TA+2 User Guide, and look at the "Precision" section. You can also adjust your Precision, or Interpolation quality. The "Medium" setting in the Z3TA+2 options menu is standard, but depending on your project you can go lower or higher when you bounce. Its worth reading about in the manual.
PM me if you need any additional assistance, but I'm guessing one of these three options will fix your pop and glitch issue.
Thanks for your continued support!