I'm not a new Sonar user but a new member in this forum.
Now I want to use Sonar more often because I have used it in the past very rarely.
Sorry for my English. I'm not a native speaker.
I have X2a on Win7 (64) and want to control the instrumensts (pentagon, z3ta+, and other) by the midi controller BCR2000.
The controling of the knobs is working fine but I can't get the midi data of the knob-settings out of the instruments to the BCR.
In the intrument rack there is an option to set the midi out item of each intrument to true.
In the intruments I can set the Midi-Channel for midi-out with the mouse right click and midi settings.
But it did not work.
In the X2 reference is a discription how to record midi data from the midi output of a softwaresyntheziser.
I tryed this to look if midi-out woks, but it do nothing. No signal.
Has someone an idea what to do? That would be nice.
Best regard,