Beeps, this is such a cool thread! I don't know how I missed it when you posted it before and I'm sorry I'm a little late to the party now. Nothing I say here will help you, but I am going to share how *I* run my Mackie in my little cave when time allows. :)
Now mine probably has more options available because it's the big baystid, but it's really cool because everything in my man cave goes into it and can be sent to Sonar or any other soundcard or tape machine. I'll explain it and maybe it can help you.
Here's how I run my stuff.
I have 64 possible ins (mic+line) per channel, 8 bus outs and 6 Aux sends/returns.
When recording, I have three ways I'm handling how I come out of the console and I use all 3 methods. I have direct outs on each channel as well as bus outs and aux outs too. But my aux stuff is specifically for outboard effects like reverb, chorus, delay and any special effects. I NEVER run any compression or eq type stuff in the aux sends. I run that stuff direct on each channel as it sounds the best and is applied destructively...which those effects work the best that way when using a console. Or I simply don't use anything at all. Most of the time just a few light compressors inserted right on a channel in the Mackie.
But to send signal, here's how I do it and why:
1. The first 16 direct outs go to an Apollo. (which I'm just trying out..pretty cool piece!)
2. The next 16 direct outs go to a 16 track, 1 inch Tascam reel to reel.
3. The 8 bus outs are sent to a Layla 24/96 card.
This allows me to send to several places and when I use the number 3 option, anything in the board can be sent to the Layla card because of the switches on each channel of the board allowing me to enable and send to and through the bus of my choice.
I don't know how yours looks, but I have switches on each channel of my Mackie that run along side the fader. They look like this...
So for example, if we want to send something to the Layla, we can do so on any track in the console because every channel has those push button switches. It doesn't matter what channel. So if we want to send channel 9 to Layla, I would press one of those buttons and it would send out of the bus to Layla.
Bus 1-2 are sent to channels 1-2 on Layla...bus 3-4 sent to channel 3-4 on Layla and so on.
So when I press say, bus 3 on the switch, I would pan my knob on that channel left which makes it send to 3. This will show signal in Sonar coming through channel 3 on Layla. If I pan the channel on the Mackie to the right, bus 4 will see signal. (as long as you have those sound card channels selected in Sonar in a track) If I have the pan straight up the middle on the Mackie, and a stereo 3-4 set up on a Sonar track, both 3-4 will see signal or I can run two mono tracks using 3 and 4 independently. Understand? This is what they call multi-track mode.
The other direct outs are sent to specific when I record on say channels 17-32 of the Mackie, the direct outs are going right to my tape machine. Channels 1-16 going to Apollo.
So anyway, that's how I do things here and it's also how I'm *sort of* doing things at my real studio minus the tape machine as I sold the 24 track 2 inch we had there. I just like the in/out capability of a console not to mention having everything permanently sent where I need it to be. A console with good pre's (which the Makcie unfortunately doesn't have...fair at best) is really important if you can afford it. I messed around with one of those new Behringer X32 live boards in the studio about 2 weeks ago as my bud was trying to sell me on it. I just can't take Behringer serious with stuff like that...however, those Midas pre's that come with that thing are something else!
The SSL is really starting to look good...even though it would be a car payment which is nice NOT to have right now. Then again, my whole life growing up in this couldn't touch an SSL for under 250-300 k and if you could, there was something wrong with it. Though it's still pricier than I want to spend, 69 k with a 10k rebate is as low as I'll get in this lifetime for a brand new SSL that WILL do all the stuff I want it to. LOL!! Maybe after I buy the woman a truck. I'll name it SSL. LOL! :)