Current sonar platinum has a main menu, a track menu, a PRV menu, an EL menu, a staff list menu, a browser menu, a console view menu, and others. It has a right-click context menu in the track list, a right-click context menu in the synth rack, a right-click context menu in the track view on an audio clip, a right-click context menu on a midi clip, a r-c context menu in the PRV note pane but not in the controller pane, a r-c context menu, a r-c context menu in the EL. And the contents of ALL these menus seem to be haphazard -- why is "delete track" in the r-c context for track lists while "wipe track" is not? Why are some preferences found in a context menu, others in the window's menu, others in the main menu? The docking options, sometimes you find them top left with a left click, sometimes bottom right.
It's a big request, I know: but a request none the less: get better organized!