Inspired by my Oberheim VCF in the S/H mode, and the programming brainchild of RGC:
Dimension ProProgram Handling (file folder icon#1 of four) - Initialize Program
Load Multisample - 00. Wavetables - Square Ober.wav (or any oscillator with some 'meat' on it)
Filter - LP4. Turn the CUTOFF knob to about midway
RESO knob to midpoint (optional)
CUT LFOStatus - On
Freq - 0.00
(Sync should be OFF by default)
Depth - 6000 cents (Hold CTRL + mouse up)
Show/Hide MIDI Matrix (MIDI jack icon #3 of four).
Source - MIDI CC - CC 1 (Mod Wheel).
Destination: LFO Freq - Cutoff LFO Freq 1.
Depth - 1.0
Smooth - 0.0
Play and hold a note or chord throughout. Nudge your Mod Wheel up about halfway, and immediately snap it back.
Repeat several times. Each time the Mod Wheel snaps back, the LFO position is 'frozen' at the last point in its travel sweep.
Here, that yields a frozen filter, with a variable cutoff frequency position.
Experiment with the 20 LFO shapes in the CUT display for variable freeze point access.
For more rhythmic freezing of your LFO, increase the MIDI Matrix Destination to 3.0-5.0.
Arpeggiate several notes in a chord in an 'unfrozen' Mod Wheel position to hear the per-note LFOs in action.
The rate of the arpeggiation can be varied by moving the Mod Wheel with a held chord.
RaptureProgram Handling (file folder icon#1 of four) - Initialize Program
Load Multisample - 009 Square Ober.wav (or any oscillator with some 'meat' on it)
DSP - 01. routing (or any routing without a parallel || branch)
F1 - LP4. Turn the CUTOFF knob to about midway
RESO knob to midpoint (optional)
CUT1 LFOStatus - On
Left+right-click on Sync (moves to OFF).
Freq - 0.00
Depth - 6000 cents
Show/Hide Modulation Matrix (MIDI jack icon #3 of four).
Source - CC 1 (Mod Wheel).
Destination: LFO Freq - F1 Cutoff LFO Freq 1
Depth - 1.0
Smooth - 0.0
Play and hold a note or chord throughout. Nudge your Mod Wheel up about halfway, and immediately snap it back.
Repeat several times. Each time the Mod Wheel snaps back, the LFO position is 'frozen' at the last point in its travel sweep.
Here, that yields a frozen filter, with a variable cutoff frequency position.
Right-click on the CUT1 LFO display (switches from 00 - Triangle to 101 - Random Bipolar).
Repeat the continuous note + Mod Wheel snapping described above, for a bit more rhythmic method for freezing your LFO. Increase the Mod Matrix Destination to 3.0-5.0 (faster filter position selection).
For something a little different, use the Formant filters in z3ta+ 2. Any of the LFO waveforms apply (triangle used here for consistency with the other Cake synth descriptions). The same
Frozen LFO process applies to any other LFO-sourced destination - frozen pitch, panning, resonance, etc. - in any of these synths.
z3ta+ 2Program - Initialize
OSC1 - WAVE - VINT SQR 1 (or any oscillator with some 'meat' on it)
FILTER - LINK (button)
FILTER - TYPE - Format
FILTER - RESO to midpoint (optional)
LFO1 - WAVE1 - Triangle
(LFO) SPEED - .53 Hz.
MOD Matrix Slot 1SOURCE - LFO1
RANGE - 100%
DESTINATION - Filters - All Filters - Cutoff
MOD Matrix Slot 2SOURCE - On
RANGE - 100%
CURVE - Linear - Unipolar-Linear+
CONTROL - Mod Wheel
Play and hold a note or chord throughout. Nudge your Mod Wheel up about halfway, and immediately snap it back.
Repeat several times. Each time the Mod Wheel snaps back, the LFO position is 'frozen' at the last point in its travel sweep.
Here, that yields a frozen formant filter, with a variable cutoff frequency position (resonant 'vowel' sound).
The LFO1 Speed was slowed down to .53 Hz. specifically for the Formant filter resonant peaks. Adjust the LFO1 Speed control over several Hertz to get the best match for other Filter Type selections, and other LFO waveform choices. This Speed control matching becomes especially critical when using the LFO Wave 1 and Wave 2 Mode combinations.