Interesting that you would have this happen at the end of a loop, sharke. Last night I was looping a section and experienced dropouts just before the end of the loop. I thought it was due to the heavy processing needed for that project. I usually set my latency at 1024 samples for mixing/mastering and I never had dropouts, until now.
I went back to the project tonight after reading your OP and experienced the same dropouts. It stops every time just before the end of the loop and will not repeat. I turned off ARC2 and still had dropouts. I turned off Ozone5 and the dropouts continued. I turned off all plugs/effects. More dropouts. But no issues when not using loops.
Then I went to another project. No problems with dropouts in loops. Then another project, and another. Still no dropouts. So, in my case, I think it's the project, not ARC2. If I find a correlation with the dropouts, I'll post again. Other than this single issue with the one project, my current setup with X3 has been very stable.