Leee, great song and recording. I think your vocals are just fine and fit the song well. You could be compared to worse. I am impressed that the guitars are not real, but sampled. They were well done.
Thanks, I appreciate it. I love it when former band members of mine (I play keys, and can barely play an actual guitar) send me a message asking, "When did you learn to play the guitar?" I surprise them and reply "I never did"
I've always wanted to play guitar (I can play some leads but not many chords) and when the first sampled guitars (VSTi's) came out, including Real Guitars, I was astounded how playing notes on a MIDI keyboard sounded so much like the real thing.
My only very small comments would be to perhaps be more aggressive with the bass line and let the drums shine through a bit more. But overall a great song.
I usually tend to bring the drums and bass up in the mix, I love the sound of a perfectly blended bass line with a kick drum and snare, and I've gotten comments in the past saying that the drums and bass were too loud, so I probably held back on those in the mix a bit more than I should have. I'm going to try and do another remix and bring the drums up a little in the mix. But in this song, I also like the way the bass guitar blends in with the acoustic guitars.
So bringing the kick and bass up too much might make the acoustic guitars sound muddy. It's a tough balancing act.
I guess that's why top engineers and producers get paid the big bucks!