I would venture to guess that every DAW user dislikes at least one aspect of the mixing process (if not many depending on ones true agenda). In my case, I hate automating tracks. Honestly, the process itself is easy enough but I still despise having to do it. I recently watched a tutorial on youtube (and yes, I know... with a grain of salt) and the "host" used a vocal rider to automate the volume in pro tools. I thought to myself "yes!" Then I realized that I am cheap and probably wont front the cash for another plug in for my Sonar Platinum. But if SONAR graciously added one because I suggested it.......
Also, I have been making music for 20 years and recording, mixing, and sort of mastering for about 5 years. I really wish I didn't have to learn everything about mixing through trial and error. If there was just one legit video of someone recording, mixing, and mastering a song from scratch, start to finish; in SONAR I think it would improve my grasp on the basic approach to mixing. Better yet, what if SONAR provided this video FREE with the platinum bundle! Just thinking out loud. The issue Im having is with the fact that after 5 years of trial by error I am still uncertain whether I am mixing right. All is subjective and none is truth of course, but there has to be some universally accepted techniques out there. If so, Id like to know what they are and Id like to hear it from someone other than a teenager on youtube who downloaded fruity loops 2 weeks earlier and is now an "expert."
By the way, I really love the new platinum. I am a SONAR fan for life.