Your hearing can change in a matter of seconds depending on how you subject your ears to db and air pressure levels. Do a google on ear fatigue. I learned what little I know from a high school bud that went on to med school and is a practicing ear doctor. Based on what he told me I drastically reduced my levels and TIME spent under headphones! I just turned 62 two weeks ago. I have been suffering from tinnitus going on about 30 to 35 years. I attribute it to standing in front of a Marshall Super Lead 100 watt stack all those years in clubs and on the road.
I have set guidelines now in my studio work producing that I never track and mix on the same day. Mixing at high levels never lasts more than a couple of hours at most. Headphones may be used for tracking, never mastering. If it still isn't right, I try again the next day. No deadline is worth your hearing!
I, too, have lived in apartments where you had no choice but headphones. Just try to be very judicious volume and time wise underneath those things. I don't know what your age is but I can tell you, I sure would have taken better care of my hearing back then. I am paying for it now.