I bought this when it was on sale at Sweetwater ages ago and it's been sitting in the box since then until I got my new monitors and until I could "be bothered" to set it up (thinking it would take me a whole day or something
Well I took delivery of my new Equator Audio D5's recently so today I just went for it. Actually I couldn't believe how easy it was to do the measurements, it took about 45 minutes including working out all the positions and marking the points on the floor with tape. I took 14 measurements. I work in a very small area and don't move around much so I figured that would be enough. To be honest, the fact that my DAW isn't in the most ideal position in the room and that I have no room treatment whatsoever had led me to keep my expectations low. I'm certainly not expecting to get some kind of perfect listening environment from it.
I'm just sitting here now dragging MP3's into Sonar and listening to them. I cannot believe the difference it's made. Everything is just so much more focused. Everything has so much more air and clarity. But best of all, that BASS! I cannot believe how bad my bass sounded before I inserted ARC2. It was flabby, boomy, smeared, indistinct. Finally I can hear all the detail in the bass guitar and it's perfectly focused on the soundstage in front of me! Just listening to some Steely Dan...oh wow. I remember listening to Gaucho on my dad's friend's "high end" audiophile system with a Linn turntable years and years ago. Everything was just so detailed and crisp. Well today I'm thinking my system sounds even better than that. VERY happy with what this system has done to my listening environment. What an amazing tool!