I'm working on one with the boy. He's singing it (mostly) and I'm doing the instruments and may back him up on some of the vox.
I noticed something eye opening... I took the cover in and used channel tools on it? When I narrow it, I hear everything, LV, the bass, kick, most of the instruments.
When I kill the center? I hear the verb, and delay on some instruments, and I hear the background vox (panned hard) It was interesting to me to see how they mixed it. I try to lay down over covers as a chameleon, so I'm going to try to recreate what they did (Imagine Dragons, Demons)
It's the 1st project where I'll have to bounce "stems" and then re-import them to master it, so I'm excited about that too. My poor Quad Core has it's tongue hanging out and it's panting pretty hard. When I import those stems, I'm going to have "for instance" a voc mid bus, and a voc side bus? (with the verb and dly) And will treat them accordingly with channel tools. It's my first try at such a thing. I'm sure others employ such techniques regularly. I tend to learn organically, by trying different things from project to project. If I ever tried to do a CD, I would of course have to try to use the same techniques throughout. For now, it's just experimentation.