This is long overdue...very often I find that the labels on automation lanes are absolutely useless for identifying what that particular lane automates. Sometimes this is due to the poor labeling of parameters by the plugin vendor, other times it's because the label on the edit filter is too short (which can lead to lanes with identical labels if the first few letters of the parameter labels are the same).
Automation lanes should have titles just like tracks and buses. I don't know about anyone else but I get confused fairly quickly when I have upwards of 5 automation lanes on a track, especially when the label doesn't really identify the parameter. At times I feel like I'm not using automation to its full creative potential because it's a pain to organize. We should be able to look at a bunch of automation lanes and immediately know what's going on. It's especially confusing when you go back to old projects and have to sit and work out what every automation lane is for because they're not labeled adequately.
edit: added implemented - sc