I think what midi users of the PRV might want is the ability to enter a note with the mouse using one click and position that note as to start time, duration, and pitch without needing to change tool or use a modifier key. Presently, since the advent of the smart tool, this simple, fast, process is not possible.
I respectfully disagree. First, I'm a heavy MIDI user (although my main instrument is eletric guitar) and would find it very annoying if a single click in the PRV Notes/Drum pane added a note event, because I frequently click in the pane just to change the Now time marker position. Second, a note can be added without a modifier key (you just need to double-click). Third, the duration and pitch of the note can be adjusted by click-dragging with the Smart tool, without changing to another tool. The start time can be adjusted after the note is added, again, without changing to another tool. I actually find the Smart tool very smart. What I like the most about it is the right-click lasso-selecting, which was introduced in X2.