I hear this stuff about "from the drummer's perspective" or "from the audience perspective".....
Well, in 99% of the cases where I was in a club listening to the band..... as a member of the audience, you are generally far enough back from the drum kit that the sounds appear to be coming from the same spot. At most, you might have a 5 to 10 degree angle (or less) from one side of the kit to the other, so for all intents and purposes it is a mono sound.
Seriously the only person in the room who hears the kit in stereo is the drummer because he is setting in the middle of it.
As a mix engineer/producer, we have the ability to make the kit sound in full stereo. That's a creative decision. I like the kit centered and if it's stereo from the source, I don't attempt to pan it. I generally accept the stereo spread that the track has and let it roll from that perspective. If it's too wide and wild, I convert to mono......needless to say I don't ever recall having to do that.