Dacookster, If I'm going to starve myself it had better be for a good reason. That must be one really nice mic,either that, or you don't eat much.
You are in good company liking the C414...I found investigation into that particular mic a little bit confusing because of this-
http://www.saturn-sound.com/Curio's/story%20of%20the%20akg%20c414.htm If I were looking to buy one first I would need to determine which one because there seem to have been so many iterations.
Daniel- Just goes to show we never have too many microphones. You have the best and are buying more of the best
Rain I remember your commenting on that particular mic before. Part of me wants to rationalize some of the end results you got were due to the Avalon and those Apogee converters....and your wife's killer vocals, but I'm sure you tried other mics and this one was best. It is a relief when you finally find "the" mic or "the" guitar. I'm glad to hear you found the best mic for her.
Mike- Yeah man, there is no question that Blue is trying very hard to be unconventional and non conformist, just look at the exteriors of the mics. Although they have low ended mics too...I think the idea of different and non conformist sits well with the artistic and creative crowd who are also hell bent on non conformity for the most part JMHO.
In my thinking this is at least some of their schtick and approach to the market and is especially why I look the other way when it come to their visuals and use my ears only. I have said I like black mics and I recently bought a silver mic because it is a darned good mic...so orange mics and blue mics with funny looking capsules shouldn't mean anything other than that they look cool but I think the look of the product has been a factor. Look at those KRK monitors with the yellow cones. They sold a ton of those. The comparison being that they aren't the most neutral of monitors. Everyone uses their own criteria when buying something. No one wants to admit that they might have bought something based on how it looked. Let's face it if you think it looks ugly you might not even pick it up.