Danny Danzi
Also, someone made a comment about how your room can come into play using a mic. I'm not discrediting the person who said that, I just wanted to make a comment that it has NEVER been the case for me in all the years I've been recording. As a matter of fact, I can make any mic sound good on any voice in any room. With the right placement, right eq, right compression....it's really easy to make a mic work. However, the key is to hear something and just know it's "the golden mic" without tweaking your brains out. My point is...any mic will work as long as you know how to use it.
Rooms....this to me only comes into play if you record in a gymnasium. Even there, if you record the mic at close range, how much of that gym reverberation do you really think you will hear in a recording? Trust me...not as much as you think. I put up a test a few months ago with a few mic's in my studio at close and far ranges. One of the mic's was a Logitech mic that was in my web cam. It sounded almost the same as my SM 57 at a distance and was pretty close to the "up close" sound....it just lacked fidelity.
But the room/distance wasn't an issue at all. You won't need to worry about room artifacts until you get a foot away. Not many people I know sing a foot or more away unless they are singing back up vocals in a group. In that situation, you WANT a little room ambiance. But I honestly never worry about a room I'm in no matter what the situation. I got my start recording in the worst untuned rooms in existence. I know a little something about this. :) Again, I'm not trying to discredit anyone....I'm saying it's not been my experience and for a room to play a role, you gotta have some distance as well as room reflections that really make a difference before you need to worry.
I mentioned the room, and I do respect your knowlege and experience, so no offense taken, but...
Statement was, if I can't make an SM58 sound decent, the problem is something other than mic selection, one possibility being room problems.
I do have room issues, in certain spots and certain directions, with real quick, noticeable ambiance, especially with LDCs. I also have to sing as far away as two feet, I move a LOT of air at times, and overload my nicer mics. That's with a screen. Good chance its related to the vaulted ceiling config. and/or a floor to ceiling wall of equipment. The stand mount baffle and a remote transport unit made short work of that, but it was an issue and this isn't a gymnasium...I wish!
I also had to snaffle out a strange one...got tired of main furnace issues and installed gas fired vent free wall units as backup, and they RING like a no name Chinese cymbal, basically centered on VOX freqs. Pack em like a kick drum and problem solved, but it took a bit to find it after noticing it on playback.
Prefer not to comp or EQ on the way in, but sometimes have to apply some light dynamics pro to get nuance and full throat on tape in one take.
Different strokes, right?