Agree with all 3 posts above mine 100%. One thing you may have going against you, as much as I love my Haflers, they don't seem to last more than 2 years without going back to be repaired. AND...not many repair shops want to work on them so you guessed it...back to the factory they go...and man do they jack your jaws!
Most times, an amp at "idle" is not going to present any problems. Frying amps usually comes from 4 possible things:
(there are more, but these are (IMHO) what I'd consider to be the most common)
1. Excessive volume that the amp may not be able to handle on a constant basis
2. Improper ohmage
(nothing will fry an amp faster than speakers that are the wrong ohms. OK, wait, one other thing will...plugging what should be in the input into the speaker output of the amp and what would go to an output, into an input. I did that one time by accident years ago. I was talking to a client on the phone and wasn't paying attention. Lesson learned!)
3. Turning the amp off and on without turning down the volume on the amp
4. The wrong cables. Using the wrong cables can make a power amp run hotter. Like a car engine, the hotter it runs, the more you lose performance and tax the amp....and then it can fry on you.