Hey, it's a great discussion. I love it.
I'm sure Bakers are reading this, so let me explain why I think this is a bad design (if not a flaw or bug).
Sure thing!
First, I think Sonar, while it's a full-featured and versatile daw, should be user-friendly (I hope everyone agrees). And, of the following three methods of creating a MIDI track, I think the majority of users use either of the first two methods:
Method 1. Record real-time using a hardware keyboard controller
Method 2. Step-record using a hardware keyboard controller or the new Virtual Controller
Method 3. Use prepared MIDI groove clips
When recording MIDI data (methods 1 & 2 above) to one of MIDI tracks that belong to a multi-channel synths like Kontakt, you DON'T have to change the output channel of your keyboard controller (just leave it Channel 1) or the Virtual Controller (just select "MIDI Omni") trying to make it match that of the C drop-down in the track, because the track's channel overrides the events' channels (this is a great feature, isn't it?) This means, the MIDI events recorded are most likely to have channel number "1" (try step-recording using Virtual Controller with "MIDI Omni" selected).
I use buttons on my controller to quickly change channel selection so I can direct Sonar to play or record different tracks (without touching Sonar's GUI), based on the
input channel for each track. That's one particular way to exploit the versatility of Sonar. So events on my tracks are definitely not always 1. But let's say for those tracks I set the C drop-down accordingly so I shouldn't have any problems.
Now, imagine you have several (or more) tracks that all contain controller data and you're working on a synth's modulation data in the PRV Controller pane, with the Track view also visible. You need to bounce a few MIDI clips in this track (especially because Sonar doesn't offer the auto clip-merging recording mode), and if you do it, the modulation events suddenly disappear from the Controller lane (which new users or infrequent MIDI users will definitely find confusing, and it is NOT user-friendly).
It would be a great thing to understand the scenario where modulation events disappear from the Controller lane. It certainly isn't friendly when they do that. If the events were recorded as you say on channel 1, and the C drop-down says channel 1, no channel numbers should change by a bounce, as discussed above. Have you found a bounce scenario that is different from the anderton(#14), bvideo(#12), and squirebum(#15) scenarios in the posts above?
On the other hand a flaw has been confirmed about displaying Controller lanes. And I believe that's what's really causing the problems here. And if so, that would
not be the fault of bounce. The flaw with the Controller lane display is that it is divided up according to the channel numbers in the events, and does not respect the C dropdown. That's why bounce appears to mess up the controller lanes. Event channel numbers are changed by bounce from your default, or "don't care" channel '1' to the channel number of the track. So the controller display should be made to ignore the event channel #s because the user has obviously directed Sonar to send all events of the track on the chosen C dropdown channel.
That flaw also bothers me even without bouncing because I move or copy events among tracks that were recorded with various channels. So I'd like it fixed no matter what bounce is doing. If you reread my post#9 above, I explain this in slightly different terms.
Your argument is that the user can change the track’s MIDI channel to "None" before bouncing, but this step may or may not be necessary depending on which type of synth (single-channel or multi-channel) is assigned to that track. Users definitely wouldn't want to wonder like, "Did I use Kontakt or Nexus for this synth track?" every time before bouncing clips that contain controller events.
My suggestion is not to change the MIDI channel C dropdown to
none and back, but to set it and forget it, according to whether you want a multi-channel or single-channel
track. This is a separate issue from single-channel vs multi-channel
synth. I have been assuming that you and I and most people find it more convenient to have
single-channel tracks, not
multi-channel tracks (if that's not true for you, the discussion alters slightly). In that case, set the C dropdown to the channel number that drives the voice in the synth, and leave it that way. If the controller lane display would honor that, we might not be having such a long discussion.
Of course, you can just use the Event Inspector's Channel field after bouncing the clips, but my point is that the program should NOT do what most users don't expect (or what the command's name doesn't say).
Hope it makes sense.
It's most likely not necessary to change event channels unless purposely using
multi-channel tracks. And as far as what people expect, I think they would expect never to have to worry about the channel numbers of events on any track where the output channel of the track has been set with the C dropdown. That should include displaying Controllers.