Walt Collins
Sounds pretty cool Kenny! The flutes are very Japanese sounding, especially with the koto (or some kind of harp maybe?) and the melody lines you've chosen (it works well). The mix does seem a little heavy, considering the material, but that may just be due to the environment you're dealing with at the moment.
The whole thing is coming across like a cinematic background for an Asian drama. If that's what you're going for, then score one for the good guys. :)
Hi Walt ,
thanks for giving this a listen
Arrangement and instrument wise , Yes what you hear is what I was going for ….
Sure I agree , the mix has a lot of Rouge Elements.
AS it stands now my environment is pretty much a corner of my kitchen table , a laptop . All my music gear is still packed away in boxes….I sort of knew I was gonna end up dealing with a lot of disruptive elements due to the construction ….I'm waiting for that to pass so I can figure out how and where I can set my music gear up …
thanks ,
I do hope somebody may enjoy parts of this ,
Most enjoyable Kenny
Very "Mike Oldfield" in part, if you don't mind me saying so...
I've still yet to bother using my MG software.
Is it hardware you use?
Hello Andy ,
I'm real happy you found something in this music enjoyable .
I happen to have an extremely quirky work flow …
I use both hardware and software , and I also use my software environment as external hardware .
Example , for midi guitar I use a software called Midi Guitar by Jam Origin (it is only my Mac …)
I used my Mac as a hardware controller triggered by my guitar just to play all my synth parts via midi into SONAR X3 . A good example of what I'm talking about is around the one minute mark of my song .
All the synths I used up until when the drums came in were sounds that came only from soft synths in SONAR … these were triggered by my guitar Via the Midi guitar plug in my Mac . I sent it over while I was playing it on my guitar in real time with a midi cable
btw non of those sounds came from the Mac just the Midi I played
it is also a two way street , sometimes I may send over a synth I don't have in any of my Windows DAW's as audio via the Mac….
it's crazy bro …..
thanks for the listen ,