Just considering whether I wanted to pop for another plugin - namely, The Waves Abbey Road ADT plug.
Why not just build a plug in chain to do what the basic premiss is.
I'm thinking:
DAW track send>Aux bus
Aux Bus>Tape simulation plug (to get the tape sound of the printed track)
Tape Plug>Neve Channel Pre simulator (to get more old school warmth and get it into a simulated console
Neve Pre>Tape simulation plug (to get the tape sound of the second tape recorder)
Tape Simulator>Delay plugin with output set to full wet - one slap. (Might want to put another preamp simulator before or after for more vintage dirt. On the aux track you would place automation envelopes to vary the delay time ever so slightly and cause the ADT to vary timing. If the Delay plugin had the old effect of pitch change when the delay time was varied, all the better, otherwise add a pitch change plug and automate the pitch change amount.
Delay Plug in>Neve Channel Pre simulator.
Tweak volume on the bus to taste.
Anyone got any improvements on this idea. I think I'll try this out this evening.