Fantastic track, once again. All your pieces have such depth and detail and you're an expert at building a piece to a conclusion. Really majestic pay-off to this one, superb.
Who would be your main influences in terms of production Dan?
Thanks James! I'm not sure how to answer that. You ask like you think I plan this stuff.
Are you asking in terms of artists I like, style or "sound"?
Any of those really, stuff you listen to for inspiration
I don't listen to anything in particular for inspiration. My tastes range from Peter Gabriel and Tori Amos to Rush, Trapt and Dead Sara. As much as I have always wanted to do tracks like these bands, I can't sing (trust me on this). So I've had to find a way to do instrumentals that are still interesting. It's funny, even the most simple pop song with a decent singer is easily more ear-catching than a good instrumental. I've found that it takes a lot to keep a listener interested without a vocal.
For the most part, since I am limited to instrumental music, my projects aren't inspired by what I listen to, though they are influenced by production values that I like. For instrumental influences, I'd pick Mars Lasar who did a couple of CD's back in the 90's that I enjoyed. Probably also stuff by Yanni and Andreas Vollenweider. Also, soundtracks by Hans Zimmer, Anthony Anderson, Trevor Morris, Marcin Przybyłowicz, Mikolai Stroinski, and Percival.
Whew! How's that?