At the prompting of our friend Danny I went out and bought the matching sub for my Yamaha monitors & then gave ARC a 3rd try (it has never worked right for me and I have owned it for a couple of years). With the sub it seems to be dead on & I can hear what I am actually doing, makes me wonder what the hell I was doing before. You can't really work on sound effectively without being able to hear accurately, kinda like trying to paint with a blindfold on.
In the last week I have found that you can't take anything for granted or assume anything in audio. I assumed that I needed to flip the phase on my bottom snare mic because I usually do.... Halfway through a mix I was wondering what the hell was with this snare?.... The phase was aligned fine, I threw it off by flipping it.
I have found my tendency to throw compressors on certain tracks just because I had done so in the past it both foolish and unnecessary, Start mixing the track and if you need a compressor to control a tracks dynamic movement... add it then. I am learning to stop watching frequency analyzers and trust my ears, they are getting me to a far better balance of sound than my eyes are capable of.
I have learned how finicky a kick can be in a mix sometimes.... It's often easier to automate the level of the few real hard hits then wondering why the compressor makes those ones sound more clicky... It is squashing them and bringing up too much of the highs.
I have found that I hate the loudness wars, The bands I record want it hot, I want it to sound good. This compromise only serves to tic me off.
I am sure there are more and I will add to this later. I have to get going to work!