Thanks for the idea Bit! I will follow up with that.
The main site is here people prefer their news through FB so most of the articles are linked through there as well.
Dave (Bit) - you have generously demonstrated a lot of knowledge in these forums over the years, which have greatly contributed to my learning. If you ever feel so inclined to write an article or two and share your knowledge with the home recording community, (outside of the Sonar forums that is) please let me know.
I consider the Sonar forums my "home" and where I truly began my adventure in learning home recording/mixing and production from the many knowledgeable and helpful people here. Since 2009 when I first 'really' started recording, I have gone from making unintelligible mixes to now writing and producing music that has gone on to placements on the web, tv, radio and have just been hired to do the audio post mixing for my first film.
The road to learning and jumping in to this subject can be steep and intimidating. I am hoping with my web site to make the ride a little more manageable and pave a clearer road for people just starting out, and also to share knowledge and techniques with others who may not be just starting out.