Tight sounding arrangement with the SW groove going on, sounds good here Bob, thanks for sharing.
Thanks Wook, I appreciate it!
Great job!
Thanks a lot, and thanks for listening!
Always loved this one too... Nice job! That be some funky clav and the guitar punctuates it well, and the horns ride over it all nicely. Vocals sound great and those harmonies are really thick.
Thanks Steve! My collaborators did most of the heavy lifting (clavinet, organ, and horns). I had to transpose the song down a step to hit those high notes, old age has taken a bit off my top end!
WOW!!! Really great in my opinion!!! I know it's a cover, and I must be honest and say that I don't remember hearing the original, but this sounds really great!!! I'm not sure what your plans are for this, but I can guarantee if you were to play this at a show the people listening would get into it big time.
I'm impressed by everything you've got going on here. I'm no mix master, but the only thing I would change "And it's just a personal listening thing" is I would add a little more treble to the vocals to make them scream/stand out a little more, but like I said I am no mix master. Sounds great as is!!!!
Enjoyed hearing this one very much, that's some very serious musicianship, pardon me because I should say ARTIST WORK going on there!!!
Thanks so much Bobby! And I agree with you on the mix, I'm working on another version of it now, hope to find time to get it done this week. As I pointed out above, the guys I collaborate with are the real artists (keyboard wizards, actually) I just did the guitars, bass, vocals, drum programming, and production/engineering. Those guys can play anything asked of them and are the ultimate pros.
Thanks again!
Oh, and if you're not familiar with Stevie Wonder's music do yourself a HUGE favor and check it out. You won't regret it!