Hi Features Forum!
I'm making use of this nice new forum section by starting a thread to raise awareness for my favorite pet bug/dead feature/lack of functionality.
For those who want to know what I'm talking about, here's my last thread on the subject:
http://forum.cakewalk.com/Overlap-Cropping-Tool-Well-I-knew-this-was-gonna-happen-m2896684.aspx I do like the Comping mode when recording other players, I really do! But when I'm alone recording myself I tend to use the old Sound-on-Sound mode and try to get each part exactly right before moving on to the next.
It used to be that when you had two adjoining, partially overlapping clips on a single track without Layers/Lanes displayed, you could hover the mouse over the upper (or in the case of SONAR X2a, lower) portion of the overlap and the Overlap Cropping Tool would appear allowing you to get a perfect edit by simultaneously slip-editing both clip edges (adding a super-short crossfade with Auto X-fades enabled)!
I can think of no faster way to perfectly join two adjacent Audio Clips!
Since X3, there's been no way to use the Overlap Cropping Tool on single un-Laned tracks! So in order to use the tool, I need to open the track's Lanes and work from there, which can be fiddly since the Lanes I'm joining aren't always close to each other, vertically. Basically just takes much longer! (I also can't consistently make the OCT appear while viewing Lanes either, but that's a different discussion...)
I can see that trying to make this work under Comping Mode would be opening a can of worms, but I would be overjoyed if this feature would to return to the way it was when using Sound-on-Sound mode!